Video Marketing

Video Marketing Campaigns That Drives Results

Contiuing to change the face of the marketing industry, Video Marketing is now at the heart of campaigns. Assisting in capturing attention in busy feeds, driving engagements and encouraging conversions. Over the last 15+ years, Hurricane have been a core leader, driving the industry forward in this field, and has significant experience in creating video campaigns at a national and global level.

More than just having an eye catching video, Video Marketing is a powerful tool – and with the right planning and production, it can change the game for brands, organisations and charities alike.

In fact, we love video marketing so much that our Managing Director Jon has written two books on the subject!

Video Marketing and Strategy

As the demand for video content continues to grow across the platforms, it’s essential to partner a well crafted video with a well constructed marketing strategy. This way they’ll not only engage audiences but will also help to increase conversions.

Partnered with our sister agency, Hurricane Media, we know that great content alone doesn’t guarantee success. That’s why as part of our service, we help you to form a video strategy which will help you to achieve your brand goals.

Getting Started

Ready to get started? It’s easier than you think!

Why not book a discovery session with our expert team today!

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If you’ve got a project in mind, or just want to have a chat, please get in touch!